Student Leadership Academy
School Starts on August 12th
Welcome Back Students!!!
School Starts on August 12th
Welcome Back Students!!!
School Starts on August 12th
Welcome Back Students!!!
School Starts on August 12th
Welcome Back Students!!!
High Performing "A" Rated Public Charter Middle School
What Counts as a Volunteer Hour?
Students & Parent/Guardians-Attend a Parent Council meeting
Students & Parent/Guardians-Any time that you give participating, organizing, setting-up, breaking-down, running or cleaning-up for a SLA-organized activity.
Volunteering service to any non-profit organization, church, community or organization. Providing service/assistance to any non-family member within your community is subject to administration's approval.
ALL parent hours should be for SLA or an SLA organized activity.
3rd Qtr. Service Hours due on March 7th
A minimum of 5 hours per quarter, with a total of 20 hours for the year.
Non-profit organization, church, community or organization. Providing service/assistance to any non-family member within your community is subject to administration's approval. (FOR-PROFIT businesses are not acceptable)
Hours must be signed by the person in charge of the activity and include a phone number.
For each quarter, 15% of a student's first period grade is based off the completion of 5 hours.
For grading purposes, all hours must be turned in NO LATER than the following for each quarter:
1st Quarter - Friday, October 11th
2nd Quarter - Friday, January 10th
3rd Quarter - Friday, March 7th
4th Quarter - Friday, May 23rd
Late hours cannot be accepted because of grading deadlines.
10 hours per household is recommended. ALL hours should be for SLA or an SLA organized activity. Parents are not allowed to share or gift hours to their kids.
*Please Note: Donations of supplies or other needed items to SLA can no longer be counted towards parent volunteer hours.