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What Counts as a Volunteer Hour?


  • Students & Parent/Guardians-Attend a Parent Council meeting

  • Students & Parent/Guardians-Any time that you give participating, organizing, setting-up, breaking-down, running or cleaning-up for a SLA-organized activity.

  • Volunteering service to any non-profit organization, church, community or organization.  Providing service/assistance to any non-family member within your community is subject to administration's approval.  

  • ALL parent hours should be for SLA or an SLA organized activity.



3rd Qtr. Service Hours due on March 7th



  • A minimum of 5 hours per quarter, with a total of 20 hours for the year.

  • Non-profit organization, church, community or organization. Providing service/assistance    to any non-family member within your community is subject to administration's approval. (FOR-PROFIT businesses are not acceptable)

  • Hours must be signed by the person in charge of the activity and include a phone number.

  • For each quarter, 15% of a student's first period grade is based off the completion of 5 hours.

  • For grading purposes, all hours must be turned in NO LATER than the following for each quarter: 


                    1st Quarter - Friday, October 11th 

                    2nd Quarter - Friday, January 10th

                    3rd Quarter - Friday, March 7th

                    4th Quarter - Friday, May 23rd


    Late hours cannot be accepted because of grading deadlines.



  • 10 hours per household is recommended.  ALL hours should be for SLA or an SLA organized activity.  Parents are not allowed to share or gift hours to their kids.


*Please Note: Donations of supplies or other needed items to SLA can no longer be counted towards parent volunteer hours.

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Media Specialist

Phone 941-485-5551 | Fax 941-485-2694
200 Field Ave E. Venice FL 34285
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